Free Spiritual Retreats For Everyone!

free retreatsWelcome to Free Spiritual Retreats For All!

Would you like to come to a FREE RETREAT in a city near you? The help is here whether you have money or not! See our schedule of free retreats & spiritual workshops, and make your reservation. You are absolutely welcome to come! 

MAY NO SOUL BE LEFT BEHIND! Sponsored by University of Metaphysical Sciences and Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center. Wisdom is universal. We are not focused on making money on these spiritual teachings the way others are. We want you to have these spiritual teachings and peak spiritual experiences regardless of your finances.

Christine Breese, founder of Free Retreats For Everyone, says, “In tomorrow’s history books this era will be referred to as the Great Awakening. This is the time when humanity is taking a quantum leap in it’s evolution. Support needs to be there for everyone who is interested in being part of this Great Awakening, not just those who have money.”

Free Retreats For Everyone

This is why Free Retreats For Everyone has formed, to answer this call for all the people who want to advance spiritually but can’t afford to attend expensive spiritual retreats offered by wealthy spiritual teachers making millions of dollars. These retreats are of the same quality and inspiration, but available for everyone, no matter what their financial income is.

If you have wanted to attend a spiritual retreat with your favorite spiritual teacher, but couldn’t afford it, this is your opportunity to attend one of the same quality and same inspiration by capable presenters with experience in the spiritual field facilitating retreats and workshops.

We Care About You!

Our motto: No soul left behind. Everyone should have the chance to heal and change their lives. You will receive the same spiritual teachings and inspiration that is offered at expensive retreats.

Those who are involved with this project spent a lot of time on their spiritual search without money. They want to see you have the spiritual help you need, especially if you do not have resources to get it. Thus Free Retreats For Everyone was born!

Free Retreats for Everyone is sponsored by: 
University of Metaphysical Sciences
Gaia Sagrada Retreat Center
Christine Breese, PhD

May we all awaken together!